File types we accept

We will endeavour to use the files you supply to produce your order. Here are some tips for best practice when supplying artwork to print.

File types we accept:

• If you’re ordering a jigsaw puzzle a JPEG or PNG should be fine.
• We can also accept TIF files or even Photoshop PSD – please note that these are much larger in file size so may take longer to upload and process.
• It’s best to stick to high quality JPEG files

Image guidance:

Please bear in mind though that the original image always offers the best quality in reproduction. For example, please send us the picture you took on your phone or camera wherever possible – not a screenshot of the picture on your phone.

This will give us the full-size, original image which your camera has captured at full resolution, where as a screen-shot will be greatly reduced in size and is therefore of a lower resolution when it comes to printing.

Please also be aware that images uploaded and then downloaded from social media accounts will be subject to a lot of compression. We therefore would strongly advise that you supply the original photo from your phone or camera. Again this will result in a better quality starting image.

We may need to crop or adjust your image to fit. We try to ensure 3mm of ‘bleed’ – in other words allow images and graphics to go off the edges of the document so we can trim the excess and not show white edges on the finished article.

Further help:

If you prefer you can also send us Adobe files from Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop. Due to the size of these assets, you may prefer to use a file transfer service such as WeTransfer, Google Drive or DropBox. Just message us at and we’ll ensure your files are allocated to your order accordingly.

For instructions on how to manage and upload your images for puzzle subscriptions please click here.

Sometimes to ensure your image is the correct proportion and orientation to offer the best product we may use AI to extend images and backgrounds. Our team use this system to ensure you receive the best possible product from us. We only do this when absolutely necessary and when it will not have a detrimental impact on the finished item(s).